Thursday 20 November 2014

my motivational song

Salam to all my readers. it's the last post and i guess it's quite sad as i may no longer be active due to the high commitment. today i will be sharing about my one song that gives me motivation. for me, we all need motivation in our life. and motivation can be in thousand or million ways. the song is I Have a Dream by Westlife.

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

this song is about a dream of a person who does believe in fairy tale. in fairy tales, we know that even snow white who ate poisonous apple can be alive from the long rest comma after being saved by a prince. well fantasy might kill us but it can give us hope and motivation. but daydreaming might kills us slowly as it might make us lazy. the singer believes in angels, because he knows the angels will help him through thick and thin of his/her life. Parable of believing in angels is like believing that he/she still has hopes no matter how hard the situation is. Sometimes, it takes one person the courage, bravery to make transition in one's life. I like this sentence "You can take the future even if you fail" where a person who fails at the beginning believe that he/she still has a future. We can't predict things but thinking positively can make our future brighter even though we have failed before. Fail doesn't mean we will fail forever, because failure teaches us to be more mature in making decision. I was once have made the biggest mistake in my life which i know everyone has made a mistake too because we are not God, we are not perfect. I didn't regret because i learned from the mistakes i have made until i become a man. While, "i'll cross the stream" a singer mentioned in the lyrics means that a person in this song has goals and dreams. What's the point of living in this world if you don't have any goals to be achieved? Successful people do have goals in their life. If you don't have any, do find one :) Have a good day!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

My passion about football

We meet again my dear readers. today i'll touch a bit about my passion on football. i believe almost all of the guys are into i right? :D guys know what guys usually do. ehem it's not personal. and that's why woman needs a man to be his best friend. friendzone alert (-_-)

For me, i'm into football. i like football and sometimes i value the skills, the formation and style of play as an art. it's a bit weird when the person doesn't know how to play football, has passion in football. my father influenced me with football since i was young. he was a football manager and i guess i am attracted by how the way he managed the team. when we talk about football, i can make a comparison with an organization. there are managers, football players are the employees, staffs, CEOs and also head of department (finance, marketing, sporting director etc.)

as we all knows, football players are considered as employees because when a football club paid some amount of money to acquire his service, he is bounded to sign a contract with the club. usually the club will offer long-term contract like 4-5 years. for example, Abu is playing for Team A. Team B want to get him to play for them. so Team B will pay certain amount of money; agreed by both teams and also increment in salary for the player. to make it clear, let's say David Beckham. he played for Manchester United. then he transferred to Real Madrid. they pay Manchester United certain amount of money to get David Beckham to play. so David Beckham will be owned by Real Madrid and he is entitled to follow the contract signed by him. if the player is performing better, he will be rewarded with pay rise and more benefits. same goes to employee in an organization. to attract other employees to work with us, our offer must be better than thee company he is working with.

i love being a manager for a football club. i watch football games just to know the tactics they used and i try to apply it when i'm playing my video games. there are many types of tactics can be used; all attack, rigid, side overload and counter attack. apart from that, i love seeing football with high level of tempo. this will show the quality of football as well as the ability of football players. everyone can play football, but to find talented footballers are quite hard and that's why having experiences in playing football is quite helpful. in every football club, there are scouts. these scouts will help the manager find talented football players to improve his squad. same goes to HR department. person in charge in HR department will assess and evaluate the candidates to make sure that he/she will be a good choice for the company.

everyone has their favourite team. so when they go out and watch football with their friends, the guys might as well get too excited. no one is willing to see their team lose. we expect our favourite team to win all the games. this one will get more interesting if your team is playing against your friend's team. ahhh this one is special. why? because friendship can turn into enemy for 90 minutes. passion is everything ;)

Thursday 6 November 2014

What makes you motivated?

have you ever read motivational quotes? and you will have the spirit, encouragement to do something after reading them? i believe there's at least one in your life. it might not be a long sentence, even a single word can motivate you.

this is one of my favourite quotes. 'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible' the person is trying to encourage me to be kind, not only to human but also my surroundings. why should kind be a personality? kindness shows how high our value is. for me, i believe kindness will not only help other people but also will make me feel appreciated for living in the world. there are many ways of kindness; helping people, giving encouragement, saving animals from danger(like cats) or giving donation. kind also can be a form of our perception. having bad or negative perception will not help us to be kind, but the other way around. this is because our mindset will tone our overall on everything. can you be purely kind person if your mind says that it is a bad thing to do? of vourse you can but you are a hypocrite. ditch hypocrite in order to make improvements in your life :p

this one caught my eyes too. it's like giving me motivation to be a successful person in the world. i have dreams, but it will take an endless hardwork in achieving them. i'm not afraid to dream because it's what i want in my life. for example, being a billionaire, having exotic cars and collecting antiques and rare items. these are part of them. in order to achieve them, i must develop my discipline first. discipline will be the key to ensure whether our dreams can be achieved or not. in addition, it takes 5 seconds to determine our future. i always say to myself, i gotta do it now. it's just that i'm afraid that by procrastinating, i might forget what i wanna do in my life. whenever i'm in the course to achieve my dream, i'll give my all just to make sure that it is in my grasp. and once i get what i want, the first thing i'll say is "Alhamdulillah". gotta give thanks to Allah for showing me the path to my dream...

thats all for now. we'll talk soon. goodbye my fellow readers :)