Friday 17 October 2014


houmenta! having good time everybody? Alhamdulillah i'm having a quality time. although one bad thing happened to me this week. my car was desperately need my attention. yeah, i gave full attention and it cost a lot of money. well, too much attention i guess. oh yes oh yes talking about attention, how do you manage to give your full attention on something? by making it as a priority or by ignoring other things? what will your attention be? life, friendship, relationship, dream, work? let's turn to the next page.

today i'm going to touch about friendship. are you in a group which your friends never exist? i believe the answer is no. well, friends are part of our life. growing up together, assisting each other. but one wrong move and you will be left alone, not fulfilling your parents' dreams. we don't want that to happen as they are willing to risk everything for their children. when talking about friends, what are the things that come out from your mind? well if you ask me that question, i'll answer the question like this "merah, bulu karpet, negro, siam, sheriz". hahaha. it's like an equation of my life, where i can use them in one solution. i may not be the next Albert Einstein or the new generation of equatic genius but just let that sink in.

friends are like your second family, where they might not be just friends. my closest friends are like my small family already. we help each other and continuously giving support to each other. when having friends around you, don't be a hypocrite because you're not showing to them who you really are. i'm not asking you to be naked to show about yourself, but just let them understand you. it will be worthy because they might be with you for the rest of your life. quarrels and misunderstanding will make this small group of friends get closer. the concept is the same as riding a bicycle. you will get injury first before you can ride the bicycle like an expert. just don't be too expert, you're not joining Le Tour De Langkawi :p

friendship isn't always about how long you have know this/that particular person. friendship is about how deep you know that person. sometimes, a guy you know for a short time period might be your true friend instead of a person whom you know for 3-4 years. when dealing with your friends, the first thing that you need to develop in yourself is tolerate. don't be too selfish or arrogant. it does not related with 'I Love You Mr Arrogant' at ALL. mind laugh for my joke? thank you you have taken a good step in decreasing your stress level. hahaha.

next, be responsible and say no to hypocrite. as a human, we need to be responsible for the actions that we have done. take the responsibility and don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. mistakes will be our invaluable experience. our friends can help us to correct the mistakes by taking another alternative. sometimes we need them to be our brain because they might have better options.

there's a saying "Your mind can go ahead and imagine what it wants to imagine, but a true friend will always remain true, in spite of the false messages running through your mind". i guess that's all for now. i'll leave you with pictures of what i call true friends. BUT, not all of them are in the pictures. sorry. till then. goodbyee

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