Wednesday 8 October 2014


Assalamualaikum :)

Having a good day everyone? Alhamdulillah we're still given the chance to live today, fixing our mistakes as well as improve ourselves. so what is 'Perhe'? it's a Finnish word that means Family. i have a friend who's an exchange student staying here. Her name is Linnea. she taught me few words but.....i forgot almost all of it. TYPICAL ME :p every living has their own family. It doesn't matter whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, black, white or mix you have your family standing behind you giving supports to be a successful person during your growing up stage. what is family? from my point of view, family is a base circle of one's life after they are born into this world. family will ensure you that you are in the safe zone, not socialize with the wrong bunch of guys, making you to understand the family's culture as well as making your tummy happy. hahahaha.

I'm going to start with my family. Alhamdulillah my family is complete, consist of parents and siblings. my father's name is Zainol Saad. he's 52 years old and my dad works as a construction supervisor. he's originally from Kedah and the place where my dad was born is still exist and his brother is staying there. so it might bring some memories for him, but not me for sure. My mom's name is Suriani Ahmad. she's 46 years old and a full-time housewife. i have three siblings, i'm the eldest one. yippie. the second child of the family is a girl, Nurfatin Binti Zainol. 18 years old. the last member of the family is a boy, Mohamad Qayyum age 16. his current school is Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid.

my dad taught my mum from earlier of their marriage to be a full-time housewife. this is because my dad wanted my mum to pay full attention to their kids. my dad is very simple. whenever we eat outside, as in dinner at a seafood restaurant or at some thai-style cooking he'll order variety of food. he wants his children to be healthy, and will feed us until we are tired to eat anymore. we used to be fat and that makes my dad happy. he can't hear the word hungry at all. my mum is quite strict when dealing with her kids. my mum is a bit different, she encouraged us to save money. well, it works for my brother and sister but not me. oops! i always spend my money like there's no tomorrow. and now i'm broke *crying* my mum alwas busy with sending us to school, tuition, and extra class. we have been staying in Alor Setar for almost 17 years. there's no place better than home. i can sleep anytime, anywhere  in the house like i did for the past 4-5 months. i'm the laziest in the house. hehe

i am not sure whether i have close relatives or not. it is a bit awkward when i talk with my cousin. i don't have any topic to discuss. always start with simple 'hi' and then there's krik krik moment. oh wait, i have one. his name is Mustaqim but i call him Along. we are the same age, always hang out together. but since we are busy with our own commitment it's hard for us to meet like everyday. it's okay i guess. it doesn't mean that u need to talk everyday to get close. as long as you never forget to du'a for him, in shaa Allah, Allah will help us.

thats all for today i guess. will update my blog soon. take care lovelies. byeeee xx

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