Thursday 20 November 2014

my motivational song

Salam to all my readers. it's the last post and i guess it's quite sad as i may no longer be active due to the high commitment. today i will be sharing about my one song that gives me motivation. for me, we all need motivation in our life. and motivation can be in thousand or million ways. the song is I Have a Dream by Westlife.

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

this song is about a dream of a person who does believe in fairy tale. in fairy tales, we know that even snow white who ate poisonous apple can be alive from the long rest comma after being saved by a prince. well fantasy might kill us but it can give us hope and motivation. but daydreaming might kills us slowly as it might make us lazy. the singer believes in angels, because he knows the angels will help him through thick and thin of his/her life. Parable of believing in angels is like believing that he/she still has hopes no matter how hard the situation is. Sometimes, it takes one person the courage, bravery to make transition in one's life. I like this sentence "You can take the future even if you fail" where a person who fails at the beginning believe that he/she still has a future. We can't predict things but thinking positively can make our future brighter even though we have failed before. Fail doesn't mean we will fail forever, because failure teaches us to be more mature in making decision. I was once have made the biggest mistake in my life which i know everyone has made a mistake too because we are not God, we are not perfect. I didn't regret because i learned from the mistakes i have made until i become a man. While, "i'll cross the stream" a singer mentioned in the lyrics means that a person in this song has goals and dreams. What's the point of living in this world if you don't have any goals to be achieved? Successful people do have goals in their life. If you don't have any, do find one :) Have a good day!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

My passion about football

We meet again my dear readers. today i'll touch a bit about my passion on football. i believe almost all of the guys are into i right? :D guys know what guys usually do. ehem it's not personal. and that's why woman needs a man to be his best friend. friendzone alert (-_-)

For me, i'm into football. i like football and sometimes i value the skills, the formation and style of play as an art. it's a bit weird when the person doesn't know how to play football, has passion in football. my father influenced me with football since i was young. he was a football manager and i guess i am attracted by how the way he managed the team. when we talk about football, i can make a comparison with an organization. there are managers, football players are the employees, staffs, CEOs and also head of department (finance, marketing, sporting director etc.)

as we all knows, football players are considered as employees because when a football club paid some amount of money to acquire his service, he is bounded to sign a contract with the club. usually the club will offer long-term contract like 4-5 years. for example, Abu is playing for Team A. Team B want to get him to play for them. so Team B will pay certain amount of money; agreed by both teams and also increment in salary for the player. to make it clear, let's say David Beckham. he played for Manchester United. then he transferred to Real Madrid. they pay Manchester United certain amount of money to get David Beckham to play. so David Beckham will be owned by Real Madrid and he is entitled to follow the contract signed by him. if the player is performing better, he will be rewarded with pay rise and more benefits. same goes to employee in an organization. to attract other employees to work with us, our offer must be better than thee company he is working with.

i love being a manager for a football club. i watch football games just to know the tactics they used and i try to apply it when i'm playing my video games. there are many types of tactics can be used; all attack, rigid, side overload and counter attack. apart from that, i love seeing football with high level of tempo. this will show the quality of football as well as the ability of football players. everyone can play football, but to find talented footballers are quite hard and that's why having experiences in playing football is quite helpful. in every football club, there are scouts. these scouts will help the manager find talented football players to improve his squad. same goes to HR department. person in charge in HR department will assess and evaluate the candidates to make sure that he/she will be a good choice for the company.

everyone has their favourite team. so when they go out and watch football with their friends, the guys might as well get too excited. no one is willing to see their team lose. we expect our favourite team to win all the games. this one will get more interesting if your team is playing against your friend's team. ahhh this one is special. why? because friendship can turn into enemy for 90 minutes. passion is everything ;)

Thursday 6 November 2014

What makes you motivated?

have you ever read motivational quotes? and you will have the spirit, encouragement to do something after reading them? i believe there's at least one in your life. it might not be a long sentence, even a single word can motivate you.

this is one of my favourite quotes. 'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible' the person is trying to encourage me to be kind, not only to human but also my surroundings. why should kind be a personality? kindness shows how high our value is. for me, i believe kindness will not only help other people but also will make me feel appreciated for living in the world. there are many ways of kindness; helping people, giving encouragement, saving animals from danger(like cats) or giving donation. kind also can be a form of our perception. having bad or negative perception will not help us to be kind, but the other way around. this is because our mindset will tone our overall on everything. can you be purely kind person if your mind says that it is a bad thing to do? of vourse you can but you are a hypocrite. ditch hypocrite in order to make improvements in your life :p

this one caught my eyes too. it's like giving me motivation to be a successful person in the world. i have dreams, but it will take an endless hardwork in achieving them. i'm not afraid to dream because it's what i want in my life. for example, being a billionaire, having exotic cars and collecting antiques and rare items. these are part of them. in order to achieve them, i must develop my discipline first. discipline will be the key to ensure whether our dreams can be achieved or not. in addition, it takes 5 seconds to determine our future. i always say to myself, i gotta do it now. it's just that i'm afraid that by procrastinating, i might forget what i wanna do in my life. whenever i'm in the course to achieve my dream, i'll give my all just to make sure that it is in my grasp. and once i get what i want, the first thing i'll say is "Alhamdulillah". gotta give thanks to Allah for showing me the path to my dream...

thats all for now. we'll talk soon. goodbye my fellow readers :)

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Conflicts that i have faced

Assalamualaikum :)

Have you ever faced conflicts with people around you? If yes, what are the causes of the conflicts? There will be many answers, some might be the same and some might be different.

Conflicts arise when at least two people, who do not understand each other trying to stand up for what they might think is right. Everyone is taught differently, they are raised differently. These differences will make people argue so that one of them will get the victory of winning the arguments. Conflicts can be tense, relaxful, or sarcastic. Can conflicts be avoided? No, because avoiding will not settle the conflicts!

I would like to share conflicts that i have faced since i'm enroll in UiTM Merbok, Kedah. I stayed outside the campus for 3 semesters which equal to 15 months, more or less 1 and a half year. One of the conflicts that i have faced was keeping durian inside the fridge. My housemate was a durianator and i didn't mind about it at first. But then he decided to keep a small box that contain durian inside the fridge. I'm against the action because the fridge was used to keep drinks. So when he put the durian inside the fridge, all the drinks was eventually got the smell of durian. Ee yuck it's something that i can't tolerate. Drinks should not be mix with smelly foods. Then i decided to take out the food, put it somewhere else. So what he did next? He put it again inside the fridge. Oh man it's stressful for me. We didn't talk for almost 2 weeks. But then both of us decided to settle down the problem, because we're housemates. We have to see each other's face everyday. And it's not worth it to keep dragging on the problem. We talk to each other, sound out our disagreements. Just to make things better and yeah. Things changed at that time.

Guidelines in solving conflicts :
- don't use high voice when arguing
- always ready to listen to the opposition's view
- talk face-to-face and be gentle
- don't afraid to admit your mistakes
- it's better to say directly than keeping it inside
- don't make yourself dumb, be smart

Thursday 23 October 2014


hello. here we are again for the how many time i don't remember. hehe. today i'll kickstart my post with an advertisement. nahh, short ad only maa. i'm just a Malay being a Malaysian. sometimes 'rojak' language can be an alternative. oops! my ads to day will be about smartphone. why? it's because i'm obsessed with smartphone. not 100 or 1000 smartphone, but just one will be adequate.

so this is one of the hottest smartphone today. oh come on, who wouldn't splash their money on this phone? this is the first iPhone with gold colour. before, it came with only black and silver. starting from this phone, the gold colour has been the jam of every user. for me, it's unique because it is different from other smartphones. apart from that, it comes with touch sensor. it will read the fingerprint of the owner only. security is top level wootz. the camera is 8 megapixels and it's  quite clear. there was a phone with 20++ megapixels camera, but the quality nah it's disgusting i tell you. the front camera is 1.2 megapixels, as it is mainly used for FaceTime. FaceTime is video call for Apple products only. it's like skype. the battery can last for 250 hours if you are not using it. 250 hours are quite long enough because there's not much phones that can hold on for that long.

in addition, the sim card used is nano-sim. past iPhones used micro-simcard, it's like the medium size of a sim card. iPhone 5s supports LTE. LTE is 4G mobile internet connection, the fastest for mobile internet so far.

Recommendation :
- will be one of the greatest phone for your collection.
- buy if you have extra money BUT NEVER use your education money.
- might cost you a lot money, in terms of casing, screen protector.
- Apple products play a lot with money. so better save money first before deciding to buy iPhone.
- extra care needed.

Friday 17 October 2014


houmenta! having good time everybody? Alhamdulillah i'm having a quality time. although one bad thing happened to me this week. my car was desperately need my attention. yeah, i gave full attention and it cost a lot of money. well, too much attention i guess. oh yes oh yes talking about attention, how do you manage to give your full attention on something? by making it as a priority or by ignoring other things? what will your attention be? life, friendship, relationship, dream, work? let's turn to the next page.

today i'm going to touch about friendship. are you in a group which your friends never exist? i believe the answer is no. well, friends are part of our life. growing up together, assisting each other. but one wrong move and you will be left alone, not fulfilling your parents' dreams. we don't want that to happen as they are willing to risk everything for their children. when talking about friends, what are the things that come out from your mind? well if you ask me that question, i'll answer the question like this "merah, bulu karpet, negro, siam, sheriz". hahaha. it's like an equation of my life, where i can use them in one solution. i may not be the next Albert Einstein or the new generation of equatic genius but just let that sink in.

friends are like your second family, where they might not be just friends. my closest friends are like my small family already. we help each other and continuously giving support to each other. when having friends around you, don't be a hypocrite because you're not showing to them who you really are. i'm not asking you to be naked to show about yourself, but just let them understand you. it will be worthy because they might be with you for the rest of your life. quarrels and misunderstanding will make this small group of friends get closer. the concept is the same as riding a bicycle. you will get injury first before you can ride the bicycle like an expert. just don't be too expert, you're not joining Le Tour De Langkawi :p

friendship isn't always about how long you have know this/that particular person. friendship is about how deep you know that person. sometimes, a guy you know for a short time period might be your true friend instead of a person whom you know for 3-4 years. when dealing with your friends, the first thing that you need to develop in yourself is tolerate. don't be too selfish or arrogant. it does not related with 'I Love You Mr Arrogant' at ALL. mind laugh for my joke? thank you you have taken a good step in decreasing your stress level. hahaha.

next, be responsible and say no to hypocrite. as a human, we need to be responsible for the actions that we have done. take the responsibility and don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. mistakes will be our invaluable experience. our friends can help us to correct the mistakes by taking another alternative. sometimes we need them to be our brain because they might have better options.

there's a saying "Your mind can go ahead and imagine what it wants to imagine, but a true friend will always remain true, in spite of the false messages running through your mind". i guess that's all for now. i'll leave you with pictures of what i call true friends. BUT, not all of them are in the pictures. sorry. till then. goodbyee

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Ethics & Integrity of a human

Welcome back! This is my fifth post already. Omg i can't believe it. Wanna know why? Actually i'm not into that blog but things change over time. Now i understand why people prefer blog. It's addictive and you can share your views, negative or positive comments with everyone else without having to see their annoying face. Can you imagine how annoying that person can be when you are sharing something or giving your opinions?'s like you wanna smack him/her down.

Oh Afiq, please stop with your hardcore imagination. Let's get back into where we should be. So the topic for today is about integrity and ethics. For me, integrity is more about the value of a person while ethics will be more about the character, the surface of a person.  Integrity and ethics...hmm i believe both of that will reflect yourself whether you're a good / bad / neat / messy person. Sometimes first impression gives a lot of impact on that particular person. Let's say Mr T highlights more about his physical appearance. There, can you see it? There's ethics in his preference. When it comes to physical appearance, it will be about neat, tidy, clean and smart. It might be the hair is short, beard trim perfectly, suitable outfit from top to bottom and maybe loafer. That's the characteristic about a smart guy. Be smart to gain confidence. Everyone is familiar with the ethics when eating. Why do we need to follow the ethics? So that we will not look like a retard. Apart from that, by having ethics we can define things that are right and wrong. Is smoking a wrongdoing for you? Haaa tricky question. Clickety clack clikety clack. You're still thinking the answer.

Aha! Integrity. This one is my fav. Integrity is the thing that makes you a great person. Honest, patience, confidence might be the example. By showing your integrity, trust me people will respect you. If you are a leader, integrity means everything. You will give your group members a sense of confidence to do their job. Leader will be the direction for the movement of the group. Having low level of integrity in yourself will cause you big trouble. People will 'fuck' you (fuck here means go against). Once people hate you, don't worry you will have to fix yourself from the start. Don't be afraid to show your integrity as it is better than being a hypocrite :p furthermore, people with low integrity might commit crimes. Omg so scared :O what are the crimes? It can be anything, anywhere anytime when it comes to people with less integrity in oneself.

Just a small reminder for everyone. Broad 'Network' will help you become successful because thats the world today. Goodluck guys in chasing your dreams ;)

Wednesday 8 October 2014


Assalamualaikum :)

Having a good day everyone? Alhamdulillah we're still given the chance to live today, fixing our mistakes as well as improve ourselves. so what is 'Perhe'? it's a Finnish word that means Family. i have a friend who's an exchange student staying here. Her name is Linnea. she taught me few words but.....i forgot almost all of it. TYPICAL ME :p every living has their own family. It doesn't matter whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, black, white or mix you have your family standing behind you giving supports to be a successful person during your growing up stage. what is family? from my point of view, family is a base circle of one's life after they are born into this world. family will ensure you that you are in the safe zone, not socialize with the wrong bunch of guys, making you to understand the family's culture as well as making your tummy happy. hahahaha.

I'm going to start with my family. Alhamdulillah my family is complete, consist of parents and siblings. my father's name is Zainol Saad. he's 52 years old and my dad works as a construction supervisor. he's originally from Kedah and the place where my dad was born is still exist and his brother is staying there. so it might bring some memories for him, but not me for sure. My mom's name is Suriani Ahmad. she's 46 years old and a full-time housewife. i have three siblings, i'm the eldest one. yippie. the second child of the family is a girl, Nurfatin Binti Zainol. 18 years old. the last member of the family is a boy, Mohamad Qayyum age 16. his current school is Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid.

my dad taught my mum from earlier of their marriage to be a full-time housewife. this is because my dad wanted my mum to pay full attention to their kids. my dad is very simple. whenever we eat outside, as in dinner at a seafood restaurant or at some thai-style cooking he'll order variety of food. he wants his children to be healthy, and will feed us until we are tired to eat anymore. we used to be fat and that makes my dad happy. he can't hear the word hungry at all. my mum is quite strict when dealing with her kids. my mum is a bit different, she encouraged us to save money. well, it works for my brother and sister but not me. oops! i always spend my money like there's no tomorrow. and now i'm broke *crying* my mum alwas busy with sending us to school, tuition, and extra class. we have been staying in Alor Setar for almost 17 years. there's no place better than home. i can sleep anytime, anywhere  in the house like i did for the past 4-5 months. i'm the laziest in the house. hehe

i am not sure whether i have close relatives or not. it is a bit awkward when i talk with my cousin. i don't have any topic to discuss. always start with simple 'hi' and then there's krik krik moment. oh wait, i have one. his name is Mustaqim but i call him Along. we are the same age, always hang out together. but since we are busy with our own commitment it's hard for us to meet like everyday. it's okay i guess. it doesn't mean that u need to talk everyday to get close. as long as you never forget to du'a for him, in shaa Allah, Allah will help us.

thats all for today i guess. will update my blog soon. take care lovelies. byeeee xx

Friday 3 October 2014

Afiq 2019

bonjour! We meet again fellow readers. It's been an exciting weekend. Phew..did some revision and got myself a bit calmer. Today i think i'm about to go with "Afiq 2019"

In the next 5 years, what will happen to me? Hmmm. We don't know what the future holds but the future will start today, not tomorrow :) by that time i'll be 26. Working with a company after my graduation. Can u feel that? Binded by a contract and life might be a bit busy.

Currently, i'm studying Degree in Finance at UiTM Merbok. Alhamdulillah i got the chance to further my study since the competition nowadays is quite high. So after my graduation, i'll have to find a job which is likely related to my field. So i'll probably work as a domestic financial advisor. Yeah that might be very challenging when helping people or small businesses in managing their money. Life will be fun and interesting when you live up to your challenges ;) if there's an opportunity given, in shaa Allah i'll try to penetrate international market.

By the age of 26, i guess i'll be busy with the preparation of marriage. Oh man, marriage might cost me a lot of money. But i hope that my family-in-law will understand my financial situation at that time which is still trying to stand up straight in this world. Why i think about marriage? Hmm quite sneaky. I believe that marriage will not only give you happiness but Allah has promised that marriage will give the couple rezeki in many possible ways. So no perv judgement alright :p

Talking about leisure time. I feel so happy when i dont have any works to do in that particular time. Wanna know why? Because i can do what i want at that particular time hahaha. To be honest, i spend my free time with watching movies, playing video games, surfing the internet. Regarding revision/study...phew this one is quite hard to explain. I only study when i'm so bored or maybe there's test/quiz in the next days. There's always good and bad in everyone. Hakhak.

Well i guess thats all for today. Idk what to talk anymore since my imagination isn't that superb as other people. Talk to you later. Goodnight and sleep tight my fellow readers ;)

Wednesday 24 September 2014

exploring myself...but not that much :p

Hi! Welcome to the next chapter of my blog. After you've read the surface, now i'll take you for a short tour about my strength and weaknesses.

Everyone has their own strength and weaknesses, even superman has it :p It would be a lie if you say you don't have any. Oh come on, start discovering about yourself!

Let's head to the first section which is about my strength. First I can blend in into any situation. Wuuu i feel like im an iguana. Hihi. Trying to adapt to the situation....fuhh its not that easy. One can be extremely hypocrite while trying to blend in. Apart from that i think i'm good in giving motivation. I may not know the real problems but at least I try isn't it? Just don't be afraid to help those who are in need. Whenever i see someone is gloomy, automatically my mind will come up with a phrase "Let's put some smile on that face"

Oh man, weaknesses. Firstly i find it quite difficult to like people. I'm not saying having a crush on someone or falling in love from the first time the eyes staring each other. I'm very particular in choosing friends. I treat everyone the same but only selected people will get extra treatment. Tadaaa~~ i can open a massage centre hahaha. It makes me weak whenever i can't see my parents' smile. They're the reason why i'm good. But don't get carried away. Things always happen for a reason :)

Thats all for now. Till we meet again. Here's a quote for you to remember.

"Twinkle twinkle little star. Wake up and be a superstar"

first thing first i'm the realest

so, this is the first entry's pretty weird as this is my first time writing a blog. Haha. I know i'm lame but who cares? :p

I'll start with a brief intro. Mohamad Afiq, a young Malaysian who wanna build my own legacy as well as making my presence known to the world. Big dreams huh? Dream big work hard. Haiyak.

Basically being ordinary is so typical. What can you achieve by being ORDINARY? Absolutely nothing. But don't be sad, being ordinary might turn you into a good student. Hahaha. I dream big because it makes me motivated.

every book has its own story and different authors have their own ideas and journey to be shared with the readers. correct me if i'm wrong ;)